Cross Country Support offers social services tailored to the individual case in the cross-border context of child and youth welfare.
In particular, we organize and implement international repatriations of minors.
For a variety of reasons, children and young people may be “stranded” in a different country and want to return to their country of habitual residence. The responsible parties, such as Youth Welfare Offices, guardians but also parents are then faced with the challenge of bringing these children to the desired destination. This is often not easy for timely or organizational reasons. Depending on the individual case, specific knowledge and experience is required.
In order to cope well with the peculiarities of legal, linguistic and intercultural nature that are often specific to cross-border case constellations, the consultation of experts can be helpful.
kurzen Zeit und unter den aktuellen Pandemiebedingungen alles organisiert haben.
Auch einen großen Dank an die Fachkräfte, die dies praktisch umgesetzt haben und die Kinder sicher nach Deutschland gebracht haben
May god bless you both always”